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Apr 13, 2023
The Forecasting Net
The Forecasting Net is an affiliate think tank of more than 1600 professionals, futurists, and simple enthusiasts interested in AI,...

Apr 6, 2023
Predicting the growth of the Global Market
Successfully predicting the global market for many years using a specialized econometric model, allowing for proactive, long-term...

Apr 5, 2023
The future of Europe - key challenges and some thoughts
The past few years have been more than challenging for the whole world and especially for Europe. The COVID-19 pandemic, followed by...

Apr 4, 2023
What makes the economy tick series
Understanding our economic future through history Ever wondered how we got ourselves out from the ruins of the Middle Ages to the...

Apr 3, 2023
The Rise and Fall of modern empires series
From the United States to China: a journey of global economic dominance from 1950 to 2010. Observe the shift of power from Western to...

Apr 2, 2023
S-curves and their Applications in Marketing, Business, and the Economy
In this article, published in Marketing Research Association’s Alert! magazine, Roger’s Diffusion of Innovations Model, based on a simple...

Apr 1, 2023
Impact of culture on the development of countries
The quantitative impact of cultural traits on economic growth on a country level. In order to measure culture, in the sense of standard...

Mar 31, 2023
IS model: A general model of forecasting and its applications in science and the economy
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, Feb 2011 In this paper, a general model of Interaction Systems (IS) is introduced...

Aug 19, 2015
Scientific facts behind Dan Brown's book "Inferno" (warning to readers: spoilers)
I am a great fan of Dan Brown. I have read all of his books and enjoyed every single one of them! Great fiction and storytelling. Most of...

Jan 15, 2015
The Forecasting Tool
What is the Forecasting tool? The Forecasting Tool is an Excel* based application that can generate valuable forecasts, in just 4 easy...

Jan 1, 2015
Selected Forecasts
Resources and downloads, including reports, whitepapers, software, or anything else of importance to the Forecasting Net community....

Nov 19, 2014
Greek GDP forecast: a lost decade?
As the Second Economic Adjustment Program for Greece is soon coming to an end, there is a growing debate about the impact of the agreed...

Oct 8, 2014
Ebola Outbreak 2014 forecast
As the number of reported cases of the recent Ebola virus outbreak is continuously rising, so is the concern of the people and public...

Jan 30, 2013
The future of the global economy: 2013 - 2030
It’s been four years since the still raging global economic crisis began in 2008. Although our understanding of the crisis is getting...

Nov 25, 2012
The future of Europe (Original version)
Contrary to popular belief that increased lending, first in the financial and corporate sector and then on a country level, is the key...

Jul 10, 2011
Global economic crisis: could we have predicted it?
Following the 2008 credit crunch, the global economy entered a serious recession, marking negative growth rates in 2009 for the first...

May 16, 2011
Social media: just a fad or are they here to stay?
Discover how deep is Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media networks attached to our personal and professional...

Apr 26, 2011
Global warming-Temperature increase forecast
Following a previous entry about the global CO2 concentration level and a suggestion by a LinkedIn group member, I used an s-curve model...

Mar 21, 2011
Global warming-CO2 concentration level forecast
The increased CO2 concentration level due to human activity contributes to global warming with significant repercussions for our planet....
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